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  • Автор

    С.Р. Давлатов

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    На английском

Саидмурод Давлатов 

4.27 $ ME AND MONEY , Электронная книга

О книге

Said Davlatov is a global author and entrepreneur with a mission to help others succeed. His books have sold millions of copies across the world. Said was born in Tajikistan. The youngest of ten children, he lost his father at one year old. When Said was eight, his mother experienced financial hardship but wanted the best for him, so she sent him to live with his mentor who educated him on life and business, and laid the foundation of his character and fuels his desire to give back. Throughout his education and training, Said successfully launched and managed more than fifty businesses. He created SAMO, the International Center for Human Development, to help others by educating them on financial management, health and fitness and relationship development. He teaches workshops and seminars designed to improve financial knowledge, create business strategy, enhance leadership and management technique as well as develop an integrative approach to body, mind and spirit. --This text refers to thepaperbackedition.

Кому будет полезна эта книга

Money is not the most important thing in our life, but they become the main thing if you don't have them as much as you need. You can solve this problem and get rid of the lack of money by following the basic rules of money management ... Get the 10 main secrets of financial freedom. This is the most read book in the territory of the CIS.

ME AND MONEY, Электронная книга
4.27 $
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